Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
This song is called Harambee. It's about my experience in the Harambee neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Blues Rocker Deep
A bass guitar track and two electric guitar tracks with distortion on the first and distortion and delay on the second.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Winter Night Jam Acoustic guitar and bass
Finally got the hiss out of my recordings. The 8 foot extension cord for the line in was the culprit.
Sunny Winter Days Instrumental
I worked on this track this morning. It's good practice and a lot of fun. And then you get to check out how many people view it on the places you submit it online which is exciting as well.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This is an acoustic guitar recorded with a microphone and then an electric guitar solo overlaid on top or along side the track.
Acoustic guitar recording
Jamming by myself just playing some chords somewhat improvised.
Two tracks recorded with condenser microphone and acoustic guitar.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mistlethistle band album
A Story of Success and Failure
She Says She Loves Me
Society cover song originally done by Eddie Vedder
I actually messed up the lyrics of the second verse but otherwise I like how it came out. A friend of mine helped out with bass, computer, and backing vocals.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Summary of my latest music I'm working on
I post music on which is run by When I use and click like on one of my audio submissions on it tends to get around 50 to 80 views generally. This does not happen to music which I post on my blog so it seems loudio has some sort of clout with stumbleupon for lack of a better word. So with this blog post I am going to pick out some of my recent submissions to loudio and link them here so they will be in a nicely accessible format.
Today, Nov. 1st 2009
Wednesday 10/28/09
A little before then.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Today's Hike 10-27-2009
How about some Oaks and Oak leaves:
Some lake pics:
Some river pics:
trail pics:
Okay that's enough for now. I may add some more in a bit!
Hero's Triumph
The more I listen to this one I just really like it. Sometimes it takes a while to realise which tracks standout. I share music on's website and with their clout with stumbleupon I guess my music gets a lot of views there so I will continue sharing there for the sake of publicity and it's fun to watch something get 80 views or so within a half hour. But I want to have more control over content and everything centralized in one place and also bigger payout potential and more recognition which are all positive components of my blog.
I think this is one of the better tracks of late. Thanks! Thanks to internet archive for hosting the track and giving me the embedding code.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Good People Don't Smoke Weed
Good People Don't Smoke Weed
Work real hard to get what you need
and good people don't smoke weed
Everything you have in life you have to earn
And you certainly won't get it from me.
'cause I'm not givin out what you can make
That's for billionaires and bankers to take
Some people can't get jobs because they do drugs
And that leaves all the profits for the rich to make
He looks like a good person yes indeed
But good people don't smoke weed
He looks like a good person yes indeed
But good people don't smoke weed
He's such a smart guy but he's wasting all his talent
And the years are passing by and he's wondering where they went
Everybody's doing things that seem very excellent
While he's sitting in a chair venting frustrations on the internet
I'm gonna see him on a street corner cradling that bottle
With a glazed look in his eyes and his face is very sallow
I'll wonder how it came to this and why there does he wallow
If I give him any help he'll just be back again tomorrow.
He looks like a good person yes indeed
But good people don't smoke weed
He looks like a good person yes indeed
But good people don't smoke weed
Friday, October 23, 2009
4 guitars jamming CECGDA
Or you can play the file down here with this embedded deal.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Mellow Jam C Em C G D Em
Long story short it's a mellow guitar solo.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Cooking a pasty with Walter Holstad
pasty wrap:
a cup to a cup and a half of flour, a cup or so of cold water, a tablespoon or 2 of shortening
Add flour to a bowl and put flakes of shortening on top like so:

Add water:
Knead mixture well until it is all one ball. As you knead it the flour ball should start sticking to itself more and your hands less. If it's too wet add more flour or too dry then add more water.
pasty filling:
chopped potato (cubed), cubed broccoli, cubed cheese, whatever other ingredients you want for the filling, olive oil, salt, pepper, spices.
Chop the indredients at some point and mix them in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper, and spices:
Spread the flour ball out into a flat wrap using your hands. Make it about a quarter inch thin or so. Spread it out nice and even and place in a bowl. Add ingredients to center of wrap:
Close wrap around ingredients carefully and press the wrap closed. Smooth out the pasty to make sure it is closed nicely. There can be small holes at the top.
Place a square slice of butter on the holes:
You will have preheated the oven to 350 degrees at some point or else you can do it now. Place your pasty in the oven as pictured above or however you choose to have yours. Mine as you can see is in the center of a greased, pyrex, 8 inch by 4 inch baking pan. Bake for an hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 15 minutes or so.
Here's how mine turned out:
This one's from today. 10/21/2009. Those others were from this past Sunday.
Let it cool. Now you will never starve! :)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Music and Magpie Cartoon
This is apparently public domain. What an awesome video!
Here's some of my messing around with the blues and rock n roll.
A Change is Needed - Not Capitalism
Technology is discovered and is always there to be discovered. When technology is destroyed it can be reinvented and redesigned. It will always be there in waiting to be discovered. With nature this is not the case. Once it is gone it is gone for ever or at least a million years. So while slowing the pace of technology will not kill anybody not slowing the pace of environmental degradation might. Sure technology might save some people from cancer and what not but it has also led to many cases of cancer from pollution and contaminants in the air, food, and water. Therefore if technology saves us it will only be from itself.
People say that we have to have incentive and capital or else technology would be years behind what it is now. The problem is that the environment is being destroyed. The ocean has far fewer fish and general marine life than it did a hundred years ago. Modern technology has led to overfishing. Runoff from fertilization of farm fields has led to hypoxic zones which are areas of the ocean with little to no oxygen because of large algae blooms. Deforestation has led to habitat destruction for many species of animals and plants. With all this in mind I would ask these people who say we need the incentive of capital or else technology would be far behind where it is now, I would ask them, Where has it gotten us? We have great tv's and some nice medical treatments but that will not solve all the problems we have created.
The incentive of capital leads to overuse of resources and general inefficiency in society. With handouts given to people to stay home and use fewer resources such as gas for their cars we could save much energy by not requiring people to drive to work everyday and expend so much energy in the process. A different mode of operation is needed to stave off disaster. Not a capitalist incentive to bring about advances in technology.
Sure one could surmise that technology has saved countless lives as has it also taken countless lives. Polio vaccines, penicillin, chemotherapy, and many other treatments are due in large part to technology but technology is handled by human beings in an imperfect manner. We are so wont to create a system where everything is accounted for and people aren't allowed to be sloth without having warranted the right somehow that we expend countless energy doing unnecessary tasks, driving countless miles, and causing enormous pollution in the name of not being lazy and also in the name of progress. Therefore advances in technology are counterbalanced by the inefficiency and nature of our society as a whole.
In the end technology may be doing more harm than good.
Friday, October 16, 2009
D E D A Blues Jam rock n roll
Worked on this for about an hour or so. Had the bass track done and then worked on the guitar parts separately but with the same cymbal track. Then when the guitar parts were finished I un-muted the bass track and thankfully it fit!
Technology may be doing more harm than good.
Technology is discovered and is always there to be discovered. When technology is destroyed it can be reinvented and redesigned. It will always be there in waiting to be discovered. With nature this is not the case. Once it is gone it is gone for ever or at least a million years. So while slowing the pace of technology will not kill anybody not slowing the pace of environmental degradation might. Sure technology might save some people from cancer and what not but it has also led to many cases of cancer from pollution and contaminants in the air, food, and water. Therefore if technology saves us it will only be from itself.
Sure one could surmise that technology has saved countless lives as has it also taken countless lives. Polio vaccines, penicillin, chemotherapy, and many other treatments are due in large part to technology but technology is handled by human beings in an imperfect manner. We are so wont to create a system where everything is accounted for and people aren't allowed to be sloth without having warranted the right somehow that we expend countless energy doing unnecessary tasks, driving countless miles, and causing enormous pollution in the name of not being lazy and also in the name of progress. Therefore advances in technology are counterbalanced by the inefficiency and nature of our society as a whole.
In the end technology may be doing more harm than good.
Can technology save us from itself?
Technology is discovered and is always there to be discovered. When technology is destroyed it can be reinvented and redesigned. It will always be there in waiting to be discovered. With nature this is not the case. Once it is gone it is gone for ever or at least a million years. So while slowing the pace of technology will not kill anybody not slowing the pace of environmental degradation might. Sure technology might save some people from cancer and what not but it has also led to many cases of cancer from pollution and contaminants in the air, food, and water. Therefore if technology saves us it will only be from itself.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Late Night Breakthrough
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Jammin' tonight and this is what I have to show for it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Little Blues Track
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Space Tropics playing along
The track that I'm playing along to can be viewed here:
I can also email mp3 tracks or other audio or video files of anything on here that I still have a copy of for anybody that would want their own copy. By here I mean anywhere on this blog.
Very few people statistically inherit a lot of money but a lot of people are privileged through inheritance and not through achievement. This is on top of the advantages they already have such as a place in the family business or job in the corporation which led them to receive the large inheritance through a family member. Therefore the privileged receive advantages on top of advantages just because of the rules and laws of the system of society.
Taking away inheritance would benefit a larger proportion of people than it would hurt and it would help to level the playing field. This money could be used to cut the deficit, fix roads and infrastructure, educate the population, provide health care, and much, much more.
Therefore taking away the large inheritances of a privileged few for the greater good of society would help a far larger proportion of people than it would harm. So who are we going to cry for? The privileged few who lose their large inheritances or are we going to be happy for the enormous percentage of people who stand to gain by this change in our system of law and governance.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Autumn in Utopia - The Cultural Revolution - w/ prelude
A New Mythology
Everyone simultaneously leaves their work places and goes home. This includes bank and government officials so no one remains to take over and evict people from their homes as the police have left too. A new type of organization is developed. Everybody shares the duties of driving the trucks and working on the farms. Food is provided to you at your house or apartment or street corner or tent community. Everybody works an average of 6 months out of the year. The rest of the time is spent living resourcefully and sustain-ably.
Crime is reduced because all needs are provided for.
The new society involves less work and more natural beauty. Less time spent in office buildings. Fewer office buildings. And more parks and forests. There is less emphasis on cars and types of cars, parking lots, roads and more emphasis on the natural beauty of Earth which cannot be recovered once gone for thousands of years. More attention is paid to the real and less to the artificial. More emphasis on humanity and less on responsibility. Less on the finite and more on the infinite.
The infinite being God and the finite being that of man.
There's too much work being done by too few of people. We need to spread the work around more and put less emphasis on great accumulation of wealth.
Autumn in Utopia – Chapter 1 - Setting Out
Waxing gibbous shining bright as I go for a walk on an autumn night. I walk down the sidewalk and a cool breeze blows. Oaks and maples are in its throes. Small branches are falling on the sidewalk below. Halloween decorations are in the yards. Gravestones, witches, and pumpkins carved. In the clear bright sky are thousands of stars. On the streets below are many cars. People are in the houses, not outside. I wonder why it is they choose to hide. Thousands of people are in the vicinity. Yet here on the street is peace and tranquility.
I get into my truck and go for a drive. I've got a big 18 wheeler and I'm driving to the power plant to pick up a load because it's a nice night for a drive. Nobody works anymore because they have to or are required to. Everybody works now simply because they want to. I know Grady at the plant will have a load I can pick up and tomorrow I will haul it to the processing facility. There is always work to do now and nobody really wants for anything because everybody wants to work.
The engine rumbles as I go on my way. I wave hello to some kids at play. I think what an awesome day. Just last year we were all enslaved.
Autumn in Utopia – Chapter 2 - The Conflict
Someone retaining capital and power from the days of capitalism is attempting to buy people off and control them for his advantage again. He is trying to make money off of them by offering them money. That way he can get them to do what he wants while retaining a dominant position for himself and his family for years to come. He also instills this hope in his followers. That they may be able to hold a position above others to where they can have material goods and leisure of a higher level than they are able to now under the policy of cooperation. His name is James Maverick.
I pull into the power plant and go in to see Grady. It is 10:30pm on Monday.
“Grady. How are you?” I ask.
“Just fine Walt. Did you know Maverick was in here? He offered Stuart a hundred thousand dollars a year to be his partner and run the place. He's also got a bank project he's working on. Says he's got investors and everything.”
“You don't say.” I reply. “Trying to get the great scam back in place I see.”
“Yeah,” Grady responds. “Stu didn't take him up on it but Maverick says he'll be back.”
“I'd better talk to Stuart.” I say.
Chapter 3 – The Conversation
“Stuart my man. How are ya?”
“Good Walt. I suppose you heard about Maverick?”
“Yeah. What's that all about?”
“He's trying to entice people with money. That old system again. What a waste. Having to keep track of everything so you can see who's got what and how much. It's all based in fantasy.” Stu says.
“I agree. Keeping track of everything. We have eliminated over fifty percent of labor just by not keeping track and worrying so much about how much everybody's got or taking.” I reply.
“Next time he comes down here,” Stuart smiles, “I'm going to tell him to buy his own power plant and quit using ours at no cost to himself or his neighbors up on the hill in those big houses. They look like museum pieces. I'm surprised those people aren't still wearing wigs and bell skirts.”
We laugh.
“Some people just can't seem to keep up with the pace of the changes in the world.” I declare.
Chapter 4 – The Deconstruction
Today is the second day of October and I am going to the deconstruction site to see if I can help. There are people on the heavy equipment tearing down office towers with cranes, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Someone there decides that they will show me how to work a heavy mover so I can help begin hauling things away. In this way I partake in the process of tearing down the building piece by piece.
Ultimately there will be very few buildings in Utopia when deconstruction is completed. Most of the land will be parks and forests. Many people live in small wooden huts in the forest choosing to live very natural and earthy lives. Food is brought in on the caravans that supply the out lands. It is composed of travelers and others who choose that line of work. Most of the food is hauled by compact electric vehicles which are recharged by the sun and hydrogen cells and also horse pulled carts are common. New forests are already being planted in previously torn down downtowns and office sites.
Concerts are common in the forests with different musical groups showcased daily and hourly. On my way home from deconstructing the building I stop at an ongoing showcase. Some friends are in the band and the audience as well.
“Jimmy. Nick. How's hap's?” I ask my friends.
“Hi Walter.”
“Hey Walter.”
“What cha eatin'?” I ask.
“Zucchini bread.” Nick replies. “You should grab some. There's beer too.”
“Sounds great.” I reply and head toward the table.
The concert venue is a clearing in the woods outside the former town. Actually the forest is as of yet very small for it is newly planted. Utopia has yet to reach its planned state seeing as the Walkout only occurred a couple years ago.
The band plays and people dance. Children, adults, and teens. Some careen. Some serene. Some ponder the Pleistocene.
Chapter 5 – Education
Education is provided free of cost, of course, as money is no longer used in Utopia. Courses are pass or not pass. There are no mandatory general requirements. There are no regular eight hour days of classes.
Chapter 6 – The War
I am sitting at class when we first get word of the coming onslaught. All the powerful weapons of the capitalists directed upon us. They apparently maintain enough support and control to be able to mount this attack. The class is in an open clearing in the woods and we are sitting on log benches and writing on smooth wooden tables.
We hear a loud explosion as a nearby home is hit with a bomb. We see troops coming toward us. The occupying force and the troops immediately begin reinstating all the rules and regulations of before and what they call law and order. We are in danger of being re-enslaved but I think we have a clear enough doctrine and understanding that we merely have to peacefully resist the occupiers. We already have a model for resisting the occupation from when the peaceful revolution was accomplished the first time.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Autumn in Utopia - The Cultural Revolution
Autumn in Utopia – Chapter 1 - Setting Out
Waxing gibbous shining bright as I go for a walk on an autumn night. I walk down the sidewalk and a cool breeze blows. Oaks and maples are in its throes. Small branches are falling on the sidewalk below. Halloween decorations are in the yards. Gravestones, witches, and pumpkins carved. In the clear bright sky are thousands of stars. On the streets below are many cars. People are in the houses, not outside. I wonder why it is they choose to hide. Thousands of people are in the vicinity. Yet here on the street is peace and tranquility.
I get into my truck and go for a drive. I've got a big 18 wheeler and I'm driving to the power plant to pick up a load because it's a nice night for a drive. Nobody works anymore because they have to or are required to. Everybody works now simply because they want to. I know Grady at the plant will have a load I can pick up and tomorrow I will haul it to the processing facility. There is always work to do now and nobody really wants for anything because everybody wants to work.
The engine rumbles as I go on my way. I wave hello to some kids at play. I think what an awesome day. Just last year we were all enslaved.
Autumn in Utopia – Chapter 2 - The Conflict
Someone retaining capital and power from the days of capitalism is attempting to buy people off and control them for his advantage again. He is trying to make money off of them by offering them money. That way he can get them to do what he wants while retaining a dominant position for himself and his family for years to come. He also instills this hope in his followers. That they may be able to hold a position above others to where they can have material goods and leisure of a higher level than they are able to now under the policy of cooperation. His name is James Maverick.
I pull into the power plant and go in to see Grady. It is 10:30pm on Monday.
“Grady. How are you?” I ask.
“Just fine Walt. Did you know Maverick was in here? He offered Stuart a hundred thousand dollars a year to be his partner and run the place. He's also got a bank project he's working on. Says he's got investors and everything.”
“You don't say.” I reply. “Trying to get the great scam back in place I see.”
“Yeah,” Grady responds. “Stu didn't take him up on it but Maverick says he'll be back.”
“I'd better talk to Stuart.” I say.
Chapter 3 – The Conversation
“Stuart my man. How are ya?”
“Good Walt. I suppose you heard about Maverick?”
“Yeah. What's that all about?”
“He's trying to entice people with money. That old system again. What a waste. Having to keep track of everything so you can see who's got what and how much. It's all based in fantasy.” Stu says.
“I agree. Keeping track of everything. We have eliminated over fifty percent of labor just by not keeping track and worrying so much about how much everybody's got or taking.” I reply.
“Next time he comes down here,” Stuart smiles, “I'm going to tell him to buy his own power plant and quit using ours at no cost to himself or his neighbors up on the hill in those big houses. They look like museum pieces. I'm surprised those people aren't still wearing wigs and bell skirts.”
We laugh.
“Some people just can't seem to keep up with the pace of the changes in the world.” I declare.
Chapter 4 – The Deconstruction
Today is the second day of October and I am going to the deconstruction site to see if I can help. There are people on the heavy equipment tearing down office towers with cranes, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Someone there decides that they will show me how to work a heavy mover so I can help begin hauling things away. In this way I partake in the process of tearing down the building piece by piece.
Ultimately there will be very few buildings in Utopia when deconstruction is completed. Most of the land will be parks and forests. Many people live in small wooden huts in the forest choosing to live very natural and earthy lives. Food is brought in on the caravans that supply the out lands. It is composed of travelers and others who choose that line of work. Most of the food is hauled by compact electric vehicles which are recharged by the sun and hydrogen cells and also horse pulled carts are common. New forests are already being planted in previously torn down downtowns and office sites.
Concerts are common in the forests with different musical groups showcased daily and hourly. On my way home from deconstructing the building I stop at an ongoing showcase. Some friends are in the band and the audience as well.
“Jimmy. Nick. How's hap's?” I ask my friends.
“Hi Walter.”
“Hey Walter.”
“What cha eatin'?” I ask.
“Zucchini bread.” Nick replies. “You should grab some. There's beer too.”
“Sounds great.” I reply and head toward the table.
The concert venue is a clearing in the woods outside the former town. Actually the forest is as of yet very small for it is newly planted. Utopia has yet to reach its planned state seeing as the Walkout only occurred a couple years ago.
The band plays and people dance. Children, adults, and teens. Some careen. Some serene. Some ponder the Pleistocene.
Chapter 5 – Education
Education is provided free of cost, of course, as money is no longer used in Utopia. Courses are pass or not pass. There are no mandatory general requirements. There are no regular eight hour days of classes.
Chapter 6 – The War
I am sitting at class when we first get word of the coming onslaught. All the powerful weapons of the capitalists directed upon us. They apparently maintain enough support and control to be able to mount this attack. The class is in an open clearing in the woods and we are sitting on log benches and writing on smooth wooden tables.
We hear a loud explosion as a nearby home is hit with a bomb. We see troops coming toward us. The occupying force and the troops immediately begin reinstating all the rules and regulations of before and what they call law and order. We are in danger of being re-enslaved but I think we have a clear enough doctrine and understanding that we merely have to peacefully resist the occupiers. We already have a model for resisting the occupation from when the peaceful revolution was accomplished the first time.