Monday, April 11, 2011

Catch Me if You Can - Waukesha County Supreme Corruption

We had an election here in Wisconsin on Tuesday April 5th 2011 for the next Supreme Court candidate who will serve Wisconsin for the next decade. The incumbent conservative David Prosser was down by 204 votes for nearly two days when a clerical error was claimed had turned the election in his favor by almost 7500 votes.

The Waukesha County clerk, a Republican conservative has a history of errors which she claims are human error in her defense everytime. She has been honing her cheating skills leading up to this enormously important election.

The Waukesha County Board also heavily criticized the clerk after she brushed aside their recommendations for improving election security. At one point during a hearing in January, board chairman Jim Dwyer grew exasperated with Nickolaus and said, "There really is nothing funny about this, Kathy. Don't sit there and grin when I'm explaining what this is about."

"Wisconsin deserves elections that are fair, clean and transparent," said Scot Ross, the executive director of the progressive advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. "There is a history of secrecy and partisanship surrounding the Waukesha County Clerk and there remain unanswered questions."

"The Democrat on the Waukesha County Board of Canvassers who was widely quoted as endorsing Waukesha County's official ballot count that flipped the Supreme Court winner last week has more to say...Kathy didn't offer an explanation about why she didn't mention anything before Thursday afternoon's canvass completion, but showed us different tapes where numbers seemed to add up, though I have no idea where the numbers were coming from. I was not told of the magnitude of this error, just that she had made one. I was then instructed that I would not say anything at the news conference, and was actually surprised when I was asked questions by reporters."
As Kitzinger was talking at the news conference, Nickolaus could be seen gently trying to move her back from the microphone after her initial statements.

This is so blatant and obvious it is scary but yet it is hard to prove I am sure and it becomes a political game with lawyers involved trying to sway the outcome. By cheating in the election she puts the ball in law enforcement and the public's court. Catch me if you can otherwise the fraudulent election will stand. I for one am convinced Waukesha county cheated to get their candidate elected and will seriously consider not voting anymore in our obviously rigged elections if the crime is not found out.